Strong Bodies. Open Minds. Kind Hearts.

For a world with better priorities

Transformation doesn’t happen over night. Transformation is the result of daily progress, the consequence of consistency.

In these two pictures, my client and I, were preparing for a fitness competition and we wanted to have records of our transformation month to month, our nutrition was changing gradually and we were pushing some heavy weights, but we didn’t think we were changing much until we saw this two pictures.


I wanted to let you know how I feel about my transformation. I save lives for a living and Laly saved mine. Numbers are only a part of the challenge. What I learned is more precious than body fat % alone. My mind body connection is stronger than ever. I will take what I learned from this challenge and take it a step further to promote wellness for surgeons-especially trauma surgeons. Isn’t that what Life is all about?



“When they tell you that getting in shape is 80% food & 20% gym, it’s 100% true! And I definitely can speak to that. The gym has been a constant in my life for the last 13 years but my struggle has always been food, I love all things carbohydrate related so the struggle is real! However I will say that there is NO food that tastes as good as the feeling you have when you look your best fit self! Recently, I just started working a full time day job plus a night job so getting to the gym & meal prepping has been a little more of a struggle but when fitness is a true lifestyle you make it happen”


Some things you cant even put into words. Like the gratitude you can pay someone that unknowingly helped you out tremendously. Thank you Laly Pena you spoke I listened ...down 81 lbs and I owe you one ;) ... To anyone that might read this, this young lady knows her stuff!! 💪😎

Justin Eplin

Copyright © 2019 | Lalytawellness | All Rights Reserved

I started working with Laly last fall and immediately loved her. She pushes you with encouragement, not criticism and told me that I was stronger than I thought. I had to take a break from training with her last October to have back surgery, but came back to train with her WOW group (Women on weights) this past January. This was when I started focusing on the weights and wanting to change my diet. I figured I could keep up with the workouts, but I have never stuck to ANY eating plan for more than a week, and was not disciplined with good at all. I decided to get motivated and jump in feet first, with Laly’s help. I cut gluten and the bad carbs I was eating and learned how to fuel my body. I wasn’t perfect, but I started noticing a huge change in how I felt, and I have changed the way I look at food and exercise forever!

Tiffany Crapo